Our ethos and values

Torah Temimah is an orthodox Jewish boys’ school.

Mission statement

The Avigdor Hirsch Torah Temimah Primary School exists to imbue boys from the Orthodox Anglo-Jewish Community with אהבת תורה and יראת שמים through cultivating a positive happy learning environment. The Rebbes and teachers, besides providing academic excellence, also are role models for their pupils to encourage מדות טובות. The close working relationship between the מלמדים and teachers, ensures that the pupils receive a well-balanced חינוך where pupils show respect, and wish to excel in both למודי קודש and למודי חול enabling all boys to take their place in and contribute to society.

School aims

Our aim is to provide quality experiences in all aspects of school life, enabling children to develop into fulfilled young people with a deep understanding and love of and commitment to orthodox Jewish faith, learning and practice, who are able to make a positive contribution to society. A warm, welcoming and respectful Jewish environment will enable our children to develop strong Jewish values and a love of Torah and Jewish life within the modern world.

Central to this overall aim are the following specific aims:

  • To instil in the boys a love of Torah and mitzvos (religious observance)
  • To help boys develop middos tovos (exemplary moral attitudes and standards of personal conduct towards others) and an appreciation that these are fundamental and applicable to all aspects of personal, professional and communal life.
  • To ensure that pupils reach the highest possible standards in all aspects of their Kodesh (Jewish) and Chol (secular) studies.
  • Through encouraging positive attitudes and exemplary behaviour in pupils, to help them to develop high self-esteem and confidence.
  • To help boys become independent and responsible members of the school and wider community.
  • To help boys understand and respect the rights of others and their own responsibilities towards others.
  • To develop links with the wider community of which the school is part.

Where the school stands in the Jewish religious spectrum

TTPS is a Chareidi (strictly Orthodox Jewish) school with an ethos that stresses the primacy of Torah, life-long learning and steadfast religious observance, while engaging positively with the modern world. This ethos pervades all aspects of our work and curriculum. It is upheld and clearly communicated daily by the staff through promoting Torah values. The school respects all authentically orthodox Jewish traditions. We teach children to respect and value people of all races, faiths and cultural traditions as children of God, and to develop into tolerant, active, contributing citizens of the broader community and nation. The school prides itself on the exceptional work ethic and high achievements of its pupils, and their “outstanding” (Ofsted 2011) moral, spiritual and social development and standards of conduct.

We are aligned with the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations of the UK. We derive our ethos and values from the timeless values and teachings of the Torah, as transmitted through orthodox Jewish tradition. Our Va’ad Hachinuch* (Rabbinic board) interprets and rules on all matters relating to the applicability of these values and teachings, and the School Governing Board and senior leadership team follow the directions of the Va’ad Hachinuch in all matters.

* Our Va’ad Hachinuch comprises: Rav SM Winegarten שליט”א, Rav YD Knopfler שליט”א, Rav R Goldblatt שליט”א and Rav I Halberstadt שליט”א.